miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2007

More Bandwidth for your buck - Translation

- That involves dividing the radio wave carrying a signal into two components, one of which vibrates up and down, while the other moves from side to side.

- Ello implica dividir la onda de radio que transporta la señal en dos componentes, uno de los cuales vibra arriba y abajo, mientras que el otro se mueve de lado a lado.

- When nothing interferes with them, the radio waves used by mobile phones travel in a straight line(know as a "line of sight").

-Cuando nada las interfiere, las ondas de radio usadas por los teléfonos móviles viajan en linea recta, conocida como "linea de vista".

- In areas where there is a long line of sight, exploiting polarisation work well. In a city, though, buildings get in the way and cause the signals to scatter.

- En áreas donde hay una larga linea de vista, explotar la polarización funciona bien. En una ciudad, sin embargo, los edificios bloquean el camino y provocan la dispersión de las señales.

- The task of disguishing the two polarised signals from each other is then too hard, because the different versions of the two components of the signals are coming at you in all directions.

- La tarea de distinguir las dos señales polarizadas la una de la otra es muy difícil, porque las diferentes versiones de las dos componentes de las señales te llegan en todas las direcciones.

- Shows that adding a third antenna to the formula can exploit the complexity caused by scattering, rather than simply suffering it.


- Radio waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation. In a line-of-sight signal, the electric and magnetic components of the wave travel at right angles to one another. But scattering means that various versions of the same signalarrive at the reciever at different angles, so that there are lots of different conmbinations of the electric and magnetic components.


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